FluentAnvil User Guide
Make your Anvil app appeal to users all around the world by serving high-quality translations and displaying dates and numbers the way your users expect. With FluentAnvil, this becomes a breeze!
The library serves as a Python interface to Fluent. It is a localization system developed by Mozilla for natural-sounding translations. In contrast to gettext you can create more nuanced and natural sounding translations. This is because fluent does not assume a one-to-one mapping between the original language (often English) and the translation. For example, Polish has more plural forms than English or German. Therefore, selecting the right translation requires knowing how many there are of something. With localization systems like gettext, this requires adding additional logic inside your application. With Fluent, this language-specific logic is encapsulated in the translation file and does not impact other translations.
Personally, I think the greatest thing about Fluent apart from the translation quality is that it is easier to learn and use than gettext: It uses only one simple text file format (.ftl) and does not require specialized extraction tools. Often, translations are as simple as this:
close-button = Close
close-button = Schließen
For simple translations, the syntax stays simple: Define a message id like
and provide the translation after the equal sign. If a translation
happens to be more complicated for a language, you only need to add the logic in the
translation file for that particular language. You can find out more at
Project Fluent.
The translation happens entirely on the client side. Therefore, it works on
Anvil’s free plan as well since there is no need to
install a special package.
You can put the .ftl translation files into a directory as part of your app’s assets.
The library will automatically select and load the translation file that the user
prefers most based on the client’s browser settings.
Please note that this is a personal project with the hope that it may be of use to others as well. I am neither affiliated with Project Fluent nor Anvil.
Quick Guide
All you need to do is log into your Anvil account and add it as a third-party dependency
with the token UHLC7WE6TELL25TO
In Anvil’s assets section, add a directory to place your translations in, ideally you have one subfolder for each locale, e.g.
With Fluent, you can use variables for placeholders or selecting the appropriate
translation. In the following example we are going to greet the user. Therefore, we use
a variable as a placeholder for the user’s name. Assume that the content of
es_MX/main.ftl is: hello = Hola { $name }.
Then, import the fluent singleton object and the Message class in your form (Message is optional but required for the examples):
from fluent_anvil.lib import fluent, Message
If you want to know which locale the user prefers, just call
This will return a list of locales such as ['de-DE']
that the user prefers (this
method does not use Fluent but the
get-user-locale package).
Now, you can configure Fluent using the following (we ignore the preferred locale for now):
This will tell fluent to use the Mexican Spanish locale. The first parameter is a list
of desired locales. Locales are given in the order of preference (most preferable
first). This means, Fluent will always try the first locale in the list when trying to
find a translation. If a translation is not available for that locale, Fluent will try
the others until a suitable translation has been found. The second parameter is a
template string indicating where the translation files are stored relative to a root
directory (third argument). The placeholder {locale} is replaced with the desired locale
(hyphens are converted to underscores, because Anvil does not allow hyphens in directory
names). The fluent.configure()
method accepts locales regardless of whether you use
hyphens or underscores. You can also provide None for the locale so that FluentAnvil
will choose a locale automatically based on what the user most likely prefers:
The settings chosen in the above example are actually the default. So, if you
put your translation files into a folder named localization
as part of your app’s
assets, then you don’t have to configure anything. The last parameter is the relative
path to a file named index.lst. The default assumes that this file is located directly
in the localization
folder. It contains a simple list of all locales available:
Again, it does not matter whether you use hyphen or underscore.
It makes sense to structure your translations into multiple files (e.g., you could have a separate file for each form). You can provide path templates to all .ftl files as a list:
files = [
Now, you can greet the user:
print(fluent.format("hello", name="John"))
Every variable you want to have access to in your .ftl files can be added as a keyword
variable. Apart from facts like the user’s name this can be used to determine a natural
sounding translation. These variables may include the count of something or the
time of day. Depending on the type of variable, Fluent will automatically format the
value according to the selected locale. For example, these messages:
time-elapsed = Time elapsed: { $duration }s.
time-elapsed = Vergangene Zeit: { $duration }s.
After calling a command like
print(fluent.format("time-elapsed", duration=12342423.234))
the message will show up with locale en-US
Time elapsed: 12,342,423.234s.
While with locale “de_DE” it will show up as:
Vergangene Zeit: 12.342.423,234s.
Pay attention to the use of dot and comma which is specific to the respective countries.
You can translate multiple strings at once (that is more efficient than one by one) by wrapping them in Message objects:
Message("hello", name="World"),
Message("welcome-back", name="John"),
This returns a list of all translations in the same order as the corresponding Message instances.
You can switch to a different locale on the fly using the locale
property. Again, the
first list element is the desired locale and the remaining entries in the list are
fallback locales in case the translation searched for is not available for the desired
fluent.locale = ["en-US", "en-GB", "en-AU"]
Although this is completely equivalent to
fluent.configure(["en-US", "en-GB", "en-AU"])
, its meaning is more obvious when
reading code.
Localized Formatting
You can also use FluentAnvil to format numbers and dates like this:
import datetime
# Print the number 32000 the way it is written in the USA.
fluent.locale = ["en-US"]
print(fluent.format(320000)) # Displayed as: 320,000
# Print the number 32000 the way it is written in Germany.
fluent.locale = ["de_DE"]
print(fluent.format(320000)) # Displayed as: 320.000
mydate = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat("2011-11-04T03:05:23")
# Print the date 2011-11-04T03:05:23 the way it is written in the USA.
fluent.locale = ["en_US"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: Nov 4, 2011, 3:05:23 AM
# Print the date 2011-11-04T03:05:23 the way it is written in Germany.
fluent.locale = ["de_DE"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: 04.11.2011, 03:05:23
mydate = datetime.time.fromisoformat("04:23:01")
# Print the time 04:23:01 the way it is written in the USA.
fluent.locale = ["en_US"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: 4:23 AM
# Print the time 04:23:01 the way it is written in Germany.
fluent.locale = ["de_DE"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: 04:23
If you have special requirements regarding the way dates and numbers shall be formatted,
you have various options for customization at your disposal. As above, you can provide
these using fluent.configure()
. For example:
# Make dates really long and verbose.
datetime_options = {
"dateStyle": "full",
"timeStyle": "full",
# Use scientific notation and always display the sign.
number_options = {
"notation": "scientific",
"signDisplay": "always"
With that, the previous example becomes:
import datetime
# Print the number 32000 the way it is written in the USA.
fluent.locale = ["en-US"]
print(fluent.format(320000)) # Displayed as: +3.2E5
# Print the number 32000 the way it is written in Germany.
fluent.locale = ["de_DE"]
print(fluent.format(320000)) # Displayed as: +3,2E5
mydate = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat("2011-11-04T03:05:23")
# Print the date 2011-11-04T03:05:23 the way it is written in the USA.
fluent.locale = ["en_US"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: Friday, November 4, 2011 at 3:05:23 AM Central European Standard Time
# Print the date 2011-11-04T03:05:23 the way it is written in Germany.
fluent.locale = ["de_DE"]
print(fluent.format(mydate)) # Displayed as: Freitag, 4. November 2011 um 03:05:23 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit
Internally, FluentAnvil uses JavaScript’s Intl.DateTimeFormat and Intl.NumberFormat functionality. Therefore, you can find a complete documentation of all options here:
Keeping Translation Code Short and Expressive
You often have various data structures that require translation. These include Anvil component attributes, lists, dictionaries, and combinations of these. With FluentAnvil you can translate them on the fly without the need to unpack, translate and repack them again. Some examples are given in the following.
The format() method also works with dictionaries for which it will translate the values:
"my key 1": "my-fluent-message",
"my key 2": "my-other-fluent-message"
Anvil Components
One of my favorite features is the possibility to write directly to GUI component attributes:
Message("hello", name="world"),
Message(self.label, "text", "hello", name="John"),
You just provide the component and the name of the attribute you want to write to
(like Python’s setattr()
Lists of Dictionaries (Anvil Extras MultiSelectDropdown)
Lists of dictionaries are commonly used to model tables: The list entries represent
rows, and each dictionary entry represents a named column. You can translate these using
the format_table()
method. In the following example we are going to translate the
names of time units. The data structure is typical to what the
MultiSelectDropdown from the Anvil Extras package
options = [
{"value": "nanosecond", "key": "unit-nanosecond"},
{"value": "microsecond", "key": "unit-microsecond"},
{"value": "millisecond", "key": "unit-millisecond"},
{"value": "second", "key": "unit-second"},
{"value": "minute", "key": "unit-minute"},
{"value": "hour", "key": "unit-hour"},
{"value": "day", "key": "unit-day"},
{"value": "week", "key": "unit-week"},
{"value": "year", "key": "unit-year"}
translated_options = fluent.format_table(options, ["key"], my_contenxt_var = "my context")
The second parameter is a list of keys to translate. Fluent-Anvil assumes that the value of every given key represents a Fluent message id. Other keys and their values will not be touched and returned as-is. Context variables can be provided as keyworded arguments or omitted completely. For example, consider you selected “de_DE” as locale and had someone provide you with the corresponding .ftl file, the result might look like this:
translated_options = [
{"value": "nanosecond", "key": "Nanosekunde"},
{"value": "microsecond", "key": "Mikrosekunde"},
{"value": "millisecond", "key": "Millisekunde"},
{"value": "second", "key": "Sekunde"},
{"value": "minute", "key": "Minute"},
{"value": "hour", "key": "Stunde"},
{"value": "day", "key": "Tag"},
{"value": "week", "key": "Woche"},
{"value": "year", "key": "Jahr"}
Bonus Round: Translate your HTML Templates
You can translate your static content as well. Just add the tags data-l10n-id
for the
message id and data-l10n-args
for context variables (if needed) like this:
<h1 id='welcome' data-l10n-id='hello' data-l10n-args='{"name": "world"}'>Localize
If you do not initialize a Fluent instance, you will see “Localize me!”. As soon as the Fluent instance is initialized (e.g., with locale es-MX), the text changes to “Hola world”. If Fluent would fail for some reason, the default text (in this case “Localize me!”) would be shown.
An essential part of a good user interface is proper input validation. This requires
that you provide feedback to the user in a language the user understands. Fluent-Anvil
has you covered there as well: The validator module defines a Validator
class with
which you can define a translated validation procedure.
Consider a datepicker called my_datepicker
that allows the user to define a deadline
for a task. We want to validate that the selected date is not in the past. Otherwise, a
message informing the user about the invalid date shall be shown using a label component
called my_label
. A solution might look like this:
from fluent_anvil.lib import Validator
from datetime import datetime
deadline_validator = Validator(
lambda value: value >= datetime.now().astimezone(),
my_context_var = "my context"
The Validator initialization method only requires two parameters:
A function that returns True if the value to be validated passed the validation test. False, otherwise. Alternatively, it may also be a Zod validator from Anvil Extras.
A Fluent message id that represents an explanatory message to the user if validation fails.
In the Form class of the Anvil app, we can define a change event for the datepicker in which validation is performed:
from ._anvil_designer import EditDateTemplate
from fluent_anvil.lib import ValidationError
# Some other code like the definition of deadline_validator.
class EditDateForm(EditDateTemplate):
# Some other code
def my_datepicker_change(self, **event_args):
self.my_label.text = ""
except ValidationError as error:
self.my_label.text = str(error)
The validate(value, *args, **kwargs)
method calls the lambda function defined earlier.
The validation function is not limited to a single parameter. You can define an
arbitrary validation function signature as long as it has at least one required
parameter. You then provide all required parameter values to
validate(value, *args, **kwargs)
which in turn passes them on to your validation
If validation succeeds, nothing happens. In the above example, the label text is set to
an empty string. If validation fails, a ValidationError is thrown. The exception message
will contain the desired translation corresponding to the message id
as defined earlier.
Multiple validation steps can be chained by alternately providing validation function and Fluent message id during initialization of the Validator class like this:
from fluent_anvil.lib import Validator
text_length_validator = Validator(
lambda text: len(text) > 10,
lambda text: len(text) < 120,
my_context_var = "my context"
When calling validate(value, *args, **kwargs)
the validation functions are called
one after another. In the above example, it is first checked whether the text is long
enough. After that, it is checked whether the text is short enough. As usual, optional
context variables can be passed on to the Fluent translation string by providing them as
keyworded arguments.
Validator objects are callable. This is useful if you do not want to throw an exception:
from ._anvil_designer import EditDateTemplate
from fluent_anvil.lib import ValidationError
# Some other code like the definition of deadline_validator.
class EditDateForm(EditDateTemplate):
# Some other code
def my_datepicker_change(self, **event_args):
self.my_label.text = deadline_validator(self.my_deadline.value, "")
If the provided value passes validation, the given default value is returned (usually an empty string, None, or some other special value). Otherwise, the translated error message is returned.
So, should you use my_validator.validate(value, *args, **kwargs)
my_validator(value, default, *args, **kwargs)
? This depends on what you want to do
in case validation fails. If you just want to display a message, call the
validator. If you want to do several things at once like showing the message and
changing the role of a component (e.g., to highlight the text box for which
validation failed), use my_validator.validate(value, *args, **kwargs)
in a
try…except block as shown in the first example.
Predefined Validators
Some validation tasks occur more often than others. In this section, some predefined classes for validation will be presented. Over time, this section may grow.
The LengthValidator
class is useful for validating data that supports len()
Primarily, it is intended to validate that some text is neither too short nor too long.
However, you can use it for lists and tuples just as well.
from ._anvil_designer import EditTextTemplate
from fluent_anvil.lib import LengthValidator
min_length = 10
max_length = 120
text_length_validator = LengthValidator(
min_length, max_length,
my_context_var = "my context"
class EditTextForm(EditTextTemplate):
# Some other code
def validate_form(self, save: bool):
text_length_validator.validate(self.my_text.text, save)
self.my_label.text = ""
except ValidationError as error:
self.my_label.text = str(error)
def on_text_area_lost_focus(self, **event_args):
def on_save_button(self, **event_args):
The first two parameters of LengthValidator.__init__()
denote the minimum and maximum
length of the text, respectively. The next two parameters denote the error message ids
for a text that is too short and for a text that is too long. Finally, keyworded
context variables can be added as usual. In case you do not need to validate the minimum
or maximum length, you can set the corresponding parameter to None. Validation will then
always succeed for that characteristic.
The validate()
function and __call__
dunder have an optional second parameter that
determines whether the minimum length is enforced. This is useful if enforcing the
minimum length depends on whether the form is about to be saved or just validated
during filling. If it is about to be saved, the minimum length requirement should be
enforced (set second parameter to True). If the user will continue to draft the form
(second parameter set to False) then the minimum length requirement shall only be
enforced if the user has already written something. This is useful to avoid displaying
an error message although the user may have skipped the text field intentionally for
now. If minimum length shall always be enforced, just omit the second parameter.
Server-Side Validation
When receiving data from the client, validation should also be performed on the server-side as well. This is because the client can alter the code running on the client’s browser but not the code running on the server. Fortunately, you do not have to write your validators again and can instead just reuse the ones you have already written for the client! It works like this:
# Import your text_length_validator from the above example here.
def save_text(text):
text_length_validator.validate(text, True)
# Do the actual saving here
anvil.server.call("save_text", "My nice text.")
except ValidationError as e:
If validation fails, FluentAnvil will send the message id to the client. Just use
the translate()
method of the exception, convert it to a string and display it
somewhere as shown in the example above.
IETF Language Tag Registry
The IETF language tags are standardized. A list of all tags is available in the Language Subtag Registry which is provided by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). It practically defines tags for all known languages (including almost extinct ones). Fluent Anvil comes with preprocessed copy of this registry (excluding obsolete and duplicate tags). You can easily use it to create dropdowns that allow your users to define a locale. For example, your users may upload a document and provide the locale it is written in.
You can access this registry by using one of the following functions:
from fluent_anvil.lib import fluent
# Returns a dictionary with language tags as keys and the name of the language as value.
# Example:
# {
# 'soa': 'Thai Song',
# 'adf': 'Dhofari Arabic',
# 'atv': 'Northern Altai',
# 'aqm': 'Atohwaim',
# ...
# }
# Returns a dictionary with region tags as keys and the name of the region as value.
# Example:
# {
# '419': 'Latin America',
# 'TL': 'Timor-Leste',
# 'GD': 'Grenada',
# 'SA': 'Saudi Arabia',
# 'LU': 'Luxembourg',
# 'ID': 'Indonesia',
# 'PF': 'French Polynesia',
# ...
# }
# Returns a dictionary with script tags as keys and the name of the script as value.
# Example:
# {
# 'Glag': 'Glagolitic',
# 'Loma': 'Loma',
# 'Batk': 'Batak',
# 'Avst': 'Avestan',
# 'Khmr': 'Khmer',
# ...
# }
Common Locale Data Repository
While IETF language tags are used to compose an arbitrary locale code (even nonsensical ones like “de-SA” for German as spoken in Saudi Arabia), the Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) provides locale information like country names, month names, currency names, currency formatting, etc. for real locale codes such as “yue-Hant” for Traditional Cantonese. You can obtain all possible locale options by using:
from fluent_anvil.lib import fluent
# Returns a dictionary with locale codes as keys and the name of the locale as value.
# Example:
# {
# 'en-MS': 'English (Montserrat)',
# 'ksh': 'Colognian',
# 'fr-CF': 'French (Central African Republic)',
# 'wae': 'Walser',
# 'pt-LU': 'Portuguese (Luxembourg)',
# 'fr': 'French',
# 'en-JE': 'English (Jersey)',
# ...
# }
You can also obtain possible currency options like this:
from fluent_anvil.lib import fluent
# Returns a dictionary with currency tags as keys and the name of the currency as value.
# Example:
# {
# 'IQD': 'Iraqi Dinar',
# 'SDP': 'Sudanese Pound (1957–1998)',
# 'ARL': 'Argentine Peso Ley (1970–1983)',
# 'ESA': 'Spanish Peseta (A account)',
# 'MAD': 'Moroccan Dirham',
# 'AWG': 'Aruban Florin',
# 'CHF': 'Swiss Franc',
# 'GNF': 'Guinean Franc',
# ...
# }
General Remarks
All names returned by the get_[something]_options()
(i.e., the dictionary values) are
given in the selected locale or one of the selected fallback locales (as set by
) if the user’s browser can translate them. If not,
the names are returned in English. If you would rather omit the name than bother
your users with an English translation, you can do so by setting the translatable_only
parameter of these functions to True
All these functions also have a style
parameter that can be set to one of the
fluent.STYLE_DIALECT_NARROW ; e.g. “Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)”
fluent.STYLE_STANDARD_NARROW ; e.g. “Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)”
Note that not all styles lead to a different result for all subtags or locale codes. In
fact, the results are often the same for multiple styles. This is not a bug, because
how the styles are interpreted depends on the selected output locale (as set by
) as well as the locale code or subtag that shall be translated.
If you already have a subtag, locale code, or currency code, you can translate it into
the locale selected by fluent.set_locale()
like this:
from fluent_anvil.lib import fluent
# Returns "American English"
# Returns "Germany"
# Returns "Latin"
# Returns "Icelandic Króna"
The style
parameter explained above is also available for all get_[something]_name()